Rental Income
and Expenses

Rental Income and Expenses
Is this rental in an LLC or other entity?
Do you have a business bank account?
Rental Property Address:
Rental Property Address:
Is this the first year you are renting the property?
Do you have your settlement statement or closing disclosure from purchasing the home?
Have you made significant improvements to home?
New roof, solar, new flooring, major landscaping projects, etc
Type of Home
Type of Rental
Was the average length of stay 7 days or less?
Did you refinance or sell this property?
Are you planning on selling this property?
Do you or did you have a mortgage during the year?
If yes, you must upload the 1098 mortgage interest form

Mortgage Info

Enter zero if new
Enter zero if paid off or refinanced
Is this a new mortgage?
Did you refinance or pay off this mortgage?
This includes things like contractors, painters, electrical work and so.
Did you spend more than 2500 on a single repair or improvement?

Major Repairs and Improvements