Business Incomeand Expenses Business Expenses Name * Name First First Last Last Email * Phone * Business Name or Description * Are these expenses for the 2024 tax year? * Yes No What tax year are these expenses for? * Do not include the following expenses in your business expenses Does your business have inventory? This would be very rare among my clients. If you are not absolutely positive you have inventory, mark no. * Yes No Service businesses do not have inventory. This would be the phsyical goods you were selling if you were a retailer, reseller or dealer. A grocery store or bookstore has inventory. What was the value of your inventory on January 1? * What was the value of your inventory on December 31? * Advertising expenses Commissions and fees Contractor expense Include all payments made to individuals or business for services rendered that aren't included in W2 pay Insurance other than health Legal and professional fees Accounting, legal and consulting fees Office expense Rents for offices and real property This would be for physical offices or storefronts Other rents This would be if you rented cameras, heavy equipment or other items to earn your business income Supplies Repairs and Maintenance Taxes and permits This would include business licenses, statement of information fees and similar. Do not include any personal tax payments. Travel Business Meals Computer and software Research and education Dues and subscriptions Postage and delivery Printing Gifts Interest paid Other Expenses Description Amount plus1 Add minus1 Remove Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.